the start of a new chapter

marco’s and my new year’s gift to each other; a bit belated due to one false start but arriving just in time for valentine’s day:

as of 11:00 am this morning, she’s ours.

all ours.

all ten acres and the pond.

>cue theme from little house on the prairie<

we’re gonna homestead folks (although i prefer to say we’re going to build a “farmette”).

come this summer or thereabouts, should all go well and  go as planned, a small farm town in ok. will increase its population from 1,788 to 1,790.

surprised?  so are we.

thought we were settled into our little house never, ever to move again? so did we.

struggling to see us as bona fide country folk? ummm….think a little harder..we do have a garden and i’ve been yakking on and on about chickens and such for the past several years.

there is a story behind it all and one that will eventually be told;  a method to my madness as well as a vision for this beautiful spot we plan to call home,  but for now let me just say…

we’re absolutely ecstatic.

20 Comments to “the start of a new chapter”

  1. i can’t WAIT to hear the whole story. I’m dying over here! 🙂 SO happy for you, Jenny. And Marco!

  2. Wow! I want to hear the story, too. 🙂

  3. Wow, can not wait to hear about this! Congrats!

  4. Somehow, I missed this! So happy for you guys! What a wonderful thing. And I can’t wait to hear every lovely, exciting detail!!!

  5. Too, TOO fun! Aaawwwe. I’m excited!

  6. Yay! Congratulations! Detail, please!

  7. How lovely! So excited for you. 🙂

  8. Oh my goodness! So exciting! I can SO picture you on a little homestead, growing and canning all these fantastic vegetables. Can’t wait to see what you guys do with it!

    • we’re excited! canning and freezing is exactly what we have in mind (among a few other things). we hope to be out there by the end of this summer. we’ll see how it all goes.

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